Site rules and instructions for use

  1. general:
    1. 1.1.The provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to any browsing of the Website, use and / or purchase of products by the users of the Website, and they may change from time to time, at the sole discretion of the website owners. Therefore, before performing any action on the site, the user is asked to read, very carefully, the terms of use, including the privacy policy.
    2. The owners of the site reserve the right to change, delete and / or add to these terms of use at any time and without obligation to give prior notice and / or retrospectively. Any addition and / or change made to the site, the content of the site and / or these terms will bind you upon your continued use of it. Accordingly, we encourage you to review these Terms from time to time. Your use of the Site after making the changes indicates your consent to these changes. If you do not agree to the changes, please refrain from continuing to use the site or contact us for assistance to give you alternative solutions.
    3. The wording of the binding and determining regulations at any time is the wording of the regulations published on the website.
    4. In any case of contradiction and / or inconsistency, of any kind and type between the content of the site and the provisions of these regulations, the provisions of the regulations will prevail and apply.
    5. The validity of the terms of use is cumulative and not alternatively and the terms of use will be interpreted as coexisting and not reducing each other's applicability.
    6. Use of the website, including browsing and / or purchasing products by the user, constitutes confirmation that the user has read the provisions of these terms and that he agrees to the provisions of these terms, including the terms of privacy policy, set forth in these terms, as updated from time to time, and agrees to act and accept Without any restriction or reservation. If you do not agree to the terms of use, please refrain from using the site or contact us so we can assist you in alternative ways to your satisfaction.
    7. 1.7. It is hereby clarified that the use of masculine in the terms of use is done for convenience only and does not harm and / or create any discrimination.
    8. The user may use the site for personal and non-commercial purposes only. It is forbidden to use the site and / or any part of it for a purpose that is not for personal use.
    9. The registration to the site and the use of information provided by the user and / or accumulated about the user while using the site, will be made in accordance with the provisions of any law and in accordance with the site's privacy policy, which is an integral part of the terms of use.
  2. Prohibited uses of the site
    1. Without the prior written permission of the site owners, you may not perform the following actions and / or actions while using the site and the content of the site:
      1. 2.1.1. Make commercial use of the site and / or the content of the site.
      2. 2.1.2. Copy, reproduce, modify, process, translate, re-engineer, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish and store the contents of the Site, in whole or in part.
      3. 2.1.3. Disrupt or violate any right of another user of the site, including the right to privacy and / or collect personal information about the users of the site without their express written consent, including by automatic means.
      4. 2.1.4. To infringe on the dignity or privacy of another user and / or to use the site and / or the content of the site to harm the good name of any person and / or to publish incitement, fraud, deception, defamation and / or any other information that is false, unreliable or that In it to intentionally harm.
      5. 2.1.5. Use of the website or the content of the website for the purpose of creating a database and / or a collection.
    2. Failure to comply with these restrictions may lead to the denial of your access to the site and even expose you to civil and / or criminal liability, according to any law.
  3. The products and the manner of purchases
    1. 3.1.The site offers users the purchase of various products and all at the sole discretion of the site owners. It is hereby clarified that the owners of the site may at any time and at their sole discretion add and / or subtract products offered for sale on the site as well as determine the manner of sale and their price, including shipping fees.
    2. 3.2. The prices published on the website, along with the products offered for sale, are the regular prices of the products offered by the website owners.
    3. 3.3. It is clarified that the site is used for sale to private parties only, and any sale to a commercial entity requires the prior approval of the site owners.
    4. The owners of the site are entitled, at their discretion, not to supply a product that has included offensive issues and / or that has an intrusion into the privacy of the individual and / or any harm of any kind in any body.
    5. 3.5. The responsibility for the content of the product is on the customer only, and the site owners have no responsibility of any kind for the content of the product.
    6. Website owners invest Many efforts to ensure that the products listed for sale on the site are continuously and accurately updated. If, due to an error in good faith, the product received by the buyer does not match the product listed on the website, the buyer will be given the option to choose between receiving the existing product as it can actually be provided, and canceling the purchase and receiving all amounts collected for the product.
  4. Registration to the website and how to handle the order :
    1. Purchase of a product will be done by ordering products from the site without registration. In order to order products in this way, the user is required to enter only a few individual identification details, such as name, e-mail address and telephone number on the payment page.
    2. 4.2. Immediately after entering all the details and placing the order, and after receiving confirmation of the payment method for making the order and verifying the user's compliance with the other terms of use, the product will be delivered to the buyer, depending on the shipping preference (delivery or self-collection).
    3. 4.3.The order will be registered on the site owners' computers. In addition, a confirmation will be sent by e-mail and / or text message about the execution of the operation within a few hours from the end of the order execution procedure.
    4. 4.4. It is hereby clarified that typing false personal details is strictly prohibited and constitutes a criminal offense under the provisions of the Penal Code and doing so is subject to legal, criminal and civil proceedings, including tort claims for damages caused to site owners due to disruption of sale proceedings.
    5. 4.5.In the event that the transaction is not approved by the means of payment, the buyer will receive an appropriate notice. In order to complete the purchase, if the transaction is not approved, the buyer will be required to make telephone or e-mail contact with the site owners' sales center by phone within a business day for the purpose of arranging the credit company's approval to execute the transaction. It will be clarified and emphasized, an action will be considered perfect only after the transaction has been approved by the means of payment company and subject to compliance with the provisions of these Terms of Use.
  5. Eligible to purchase through the website:
    1. 5.1. Users who meet the cumulative conditions listed below may participate in purchases made through this site:
      1. 5.1.1. Users aged 18 and over – check
      2. 5.1.2. The user has a valid Israeli credit card, an e-mail box and a means of communication in Israel (landline and / or mobile phone).
      3. 5.1.3. The user is managed on the site in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and as required on the registration page.
      4. 5.1.4.For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the owners of the site are given the authority at all times and at its sole discretion to prevent users from accessing the purchase of products, if their behavior is inappropriate and / or was and they make improper or unreasonable use of the site, including non-compliance with terms of use and / or policy Privacy and / or if the user's credit card is blocked or restricted for use.
  6. Using the coupon:
    1. 6.1. In accordance with and subject to its sole discretion, the site owners may Offer promotions, special deals and / or discounts for a limited period through the website through a dedicated voucher (hereinafter "coupon").
    2. 6.2. The redemption of the coupon will be subject to the terms of the transaction as specified on the transaction details page on the site, the site's regulations and / or the supplier's regulations, and the redemption conditions that appear on the coupon and within the period of time used only.
    3. 6.3. A coupon can only be redeemed in full and once, a single coupon will not be re-used.
  7. Delivery, delivery and delivery dates:
    1. The delivery of the products purchased on the site and for which the consideration was paid in full by credit card, will be made in accordance with the conditions listed on the product page purchased at the address in Israel that the buyer typed when placing the order and registering on the site. It will not be possible to change the delivery method after the purchase is completed.
    2. 7.2.The number of days for the delivery of the product will be counted from the date of receipt of approval of the transaction from the buyer's credit company. The delivery date as well as the date for self-collection are calculated according to business days, ie Sundays – Thursdays and do not include Fridays, Saturdays, holidays and public holidays.
    3. 7.3. The buyer will be allowed to choose from several shipping options offered on the site:
      1. 7.3.1. Self-collection – In the option of self-collection when placing the order in case of self-collection the warranty on the product will apply to the customer from the date of receipt of the product for his possession.
      2. 7.3.2. Delivery guy to the house
    4. 7.4. Delivery days – up to 10 business days from the day the product is approved by the site owners.
    5. 7.5.The owners of the site will not be responsible for delays that are beyond their control and / or originate in the buyer, including but not only a delay due to difficulty in contacting the buyer during normal working hours. Such delay will not be considered a breach of the site owners' obligation to supply the product.
    6. Due to the security situation prevailing in the country and for various reasons, moving companies sometimes refuse to transport products to localities beyond the Green Line and / or to certain localities whose entry involves a life-threatening danger to the carrier. In such a case, the matter will be clarified to the buyer and the site owners will be entitled to coordinate with the buyer the delivery of the product in another agreed place that will be acceptable to the parties and in accordance with the site owners' policy.
  8. Ownership and intellectual property rights
    1. 8.1.The site and the information appearing on it, including the design of the site, including any information of any kind and type, including any verbal, visual content, And including text, image, sound, video, in all media and in any end device, which exist today and / or will exist in the future and / or any combination thereof, including articles, articles, news, reviews, data, files, maps, tips, analyzes, recommendations , Guidelines, evaluations and any other information and / or content in any format, as well as their design, processing, editing, distribution and presentation, including (but not limited to): any image, drawing, design, photograph, illustration,), diagram, figure, Imaging, sampling (sample), Video, audio file and music file; Protected by the copyright laws of the State of Israel, international conventions and the copyright laws of other countries. The user is prohibited from making changes, copying, publishing, distributing, transmitting, displaying, performing, reproducing, licensing, creating derivative works or selling any part of the content contained on the site without the prior, written and express consent of the site owners.
    2. All intellectual property rights in connection with the Site of any kind and type (whether it is registered rights or unregistered rights), including the domain name , patents, trademarks, trade names, designs, copyrights, secrets Commercial, Reputation, ' Know How', Methods, source code and binary code, trademarks, computer software, concepts, confidential information, service marks, databases, derivative works, discoveries, formulas, reputation, ideas, improvements, designs, information, innovations, inventions, knowledge, logos , Market data, methods, moral rights, literary works, graphic file, technical information, how the site is presented and designed as well as any matter or detail related to the site, are the exclusive property of the site owners, And the use of all the aforesaid rights is permitted to the owners of the site exclusively. You may not copy, distribute, reproduce, sell, translate and / or perform any other action, commercial and non-commercial, in all types of texts and / or codes and / or images and / or trademarks and / or photographs and / or videos and / or any Other content that appears on the site, unless the site owners' permission has been obtained in advance and in writing.
  9. Site content and advertisements
    1. 9.1. The site as a whole, including all the content that appears on it is offered to the public and the user as they are (' As Is'). Intention of the site owners Is that the content appearing on the site will be correct and accurate, however, the content may not be complete and alternatively technical or other errors may have occurred in the content.
    2. 9.2.Website owners are not responsible for inaccuracies, or errors made in relation to the content. Site owners Clarify The content contained on the site is for general and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation and / or opinion in relation to the products published on the site, and therefore the user is aware and agrees that any reliance on statements, positions, advice or any other content displayed on the site is at the user's discretion and responsibility. The sole; The user must carry out all his assessments and tests regarding the product himself and he waives and will be prevented from raising any claim regarding reliance on any of these.
  10. 10.Limitation of Liability
    1. 10.1.The site owners make great efforts to provide you with a quality and safe user experience on the site. However, the site is not immune to glitches and / or problems and you may not have access to the site from time to time.
    2. 10.2. The user is aware that the site, including any content and / or service on it, is provided by the site owners in their condition as is and subject to their availability (' As Is ' and ' As Available ').'). The owners of the site will not bear any responsibility, explicit or implied in connection with the site, including any content or service on it, as well as in connection with their suitability for a specific purpose and / or the requirements of the user. The user hereby declares and undertakes that he is solely and fully responsible for all use of the site, including any content and / or service on it, and that he is aware that the owners of the site are not responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any use of the site.
    3. 10.3.Site owners And / or anyone on its behalf, shall not bear any liability, for damage and / or loss, direct or indirect, including incidental, consequential, incidental or punitive damages (including, and without prejudice to the aforesaid generality, compensation for loss of work and business, loss of profits, Interruptions and disruptions to work, loss and / or loss of business information, damage to reputation, and any loss and / or other financial damage, expected and unexpected), resulting from and / or related to, the site, or any content and / or service on it, or any use thereof ,
  11. 11.Compliance with conditions and indemnification |:
    1. 11.1. The user hereby undertakes to comply with all provisions of the law, including law and / or regulation, which may apply to his use of the site and / or its content, including these terms of use.
  12. 12.Availability and / or change of the site
    1. 12.1. Site owners are allowed Allow or prohibit the user's access to the Site at any time in its sole discretion and reserves the exclusive right to change or discontinue the operation of the Site, in whole or in part, at any time and without notice.
    2. 12.2. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the owners of the site will be entitled to stop the activity carried out on the site, in whole or in part, temporarily and / or permanently, at any time, and without the user having any claim, right and / or claim in this regard.
    3. 12.3. The owners of the site will be entitled to condition the entry and / or use of the site, in whole or in part, on registration and / or payment, and without the user having any claim, right and / or claim in this regard.
  13. 13.Obsolescence
    1. 13.1.Without derogating from what is stated in these Terms of Use, the user is aware, agrees and hereby confirms that the limitation period regarding any claim and / or claim, and / or demand against the site owners and / or third parties related to the use of the site by the user and / or products appearing on the site. It will be limited to a period of 6 months and all the parties regard this as an agreement for the limitation period within the meaning of section 19 of the Limitation Law, 1958.
  14. 14.Jurisdiction and choice of law
    1. 14.1.Only the use of the website and / or any claim, demand or request arising from this use and / or anything and anything else directly or indirectly related to this website will be governed by the laws of the State of Israel only. The place of jurisdiction will be in the court with jurisdiction in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel only, and the substantive and procedural law that will apply will be Israeli law, which will prevail over any rules of choice of law that apply to the application of foreign law.
  15. 15.Various
    1. 15.1.If any of the Terms of Use is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable for any reason, this Terms will be deleted from the Terms of Use and its deletion will not affect the legality and validity of the remaining Terms of Use. In such a case, the existence of a similar condition will be seen as enforceable instead of the condition that has been deleted or removed.
    2. 15.2. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and the Site Owners Regarding the manner in which the website is used and any other understanding and / or consent, orally or in writing, concerning the use of the website and our content.